Today the Transport Committee is today launching an inquiry entitled “Trains fit for the future?“ into the development of alternatively fuelled trains and how carriages should can be designed to meet the changing demands of the travelling public.
The inquiry will examine the costs and benefits to the rail industry as it takes decisions about moving away from diesel powered trains to electric and bi-mode and the use of alternative fuels such as batteries and hydrogen.
The Committee is calling for written evidence on the following:
- what role rail decarbonisation can make to the Government’s wider commitments on air quality to 2040;
- whether there is adequate financial and other support from the Government for the development of alternatively fuelled rolling stock;
- how the industry is responding to the challenge of a carbon-free transport future by 2040 and developing technologies to achieve that;
- what challenges there are to deploying alternatively fuelled rolling stock on the GB rail network, particularly given issues with standards and loading gauge;
- what passenger benefits alternatively fuelled rolling stock could provide;
- whether alternatively fuelled rolling stock would be cost effective compared to EMUs over a 25-40 year life-cycle; and
- Â what the train interior of the future needs to have to ensure continued growth in rail travel, particularly amongst young people and future generations and to be fully accessible to all.
The deadline for written submissions is 23 May 2019.
To send a written submission to the Transport Committee’s inquiry on ‘Trains fit for the future?’, click here.