Calling all NSAR members!
Your Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Friday 26 November at 9.00am. This is the same day as the Skills Symposium ‘The Future’s Here Now’. The running order for the morning will be
NSAR AGM (members only) 9.00 – 10.00am chaired by NSAR Chair, Dyan Crowther
NSAR Skills Symposium (for all) 11.30 – 1.30 pm – hosted by NSAR CEO, Neil Robertson, who will be joined by Liz Bonnin, Jason Bradbury and some rail sector speakers too.
You will need to register on zoom, separately for the two events, so take a few minutes to click on the links to the zoom meetings. You will be sent a copy of the Annual Report in advance of the meeting, so it is your opportunity to contribute to and hear from your member association, NSAR.
Register for NSAR AGM if you work for a NSAR member organisation
Register for NSAR Skills Symposium – open to everyone with an interest in the topic ‘The Future’s Here Now’