A round-up of our activity and achievements in August.
Workforce Analytics:
- The team has continued work with the industry partners such as our West Coast Partnership, specifically helping with Strategic Workforce Planning Support. Continuing our support with Department for Transport delivering Capability Maturity Assessments and other activities.
- Following Michelle Russell, NSAR Head of Workforce Analytics, visit to Georgia, we continue our work with the Georgian Railways, Finalising the Workforce Skills Analysis report
- Reviewing attendees progress from the Supplier Apprenticeship Challenge event in October regarding Apprenticeship numbers
Quality Assurance:
- An online booking and payment system for First Time Observations will go live in SkillsBackbone in the next few weeks. This will make the observation process easier for all involved and encourage providers to plan the timing of their first observation from NSAR more effectively.
- The Quality Assurance team has held two all-staff meetings. The first meeting focused on how verbal feedback is given to Training Providers during visits and improvements that can be made. The second looked into standardisation and consistency in report writing. The QA team is committed to ensuring that the feedback it gives to Training Providers is useful and high-quality.