December services update

A round-up of our activity and achievements in November and December:


Workforce Analytics:

  • The team is working on a project for DfT that looks across all transport modes to identify similarities in skills shortages and possible common approaches to address these shortages.
  • A training market analysis is being carried out for the Global Centre of Rail Excellence (GCRE) to identify future training requirements for rail and adjacent sectors, so GCRE can plan what types of facilities might be needed at their site.
  • A training market analysis is also being carried out for Inspiro Learning to investigate how they can best specialise in their apprenticeship delivery.


Quality Assurance:

  • The Trainer Mentoring Programme run for Bridgeway was a success, with all attendees receiving accreditation. The programme consisted of classroom-based workshops, two live trackside walkouts at different sites and a scenario-based assessment.
  • The QA team facilitated and hosted two sessions for Assured Trainers and Assessors on updates to course materials for Controller of Site Safety and Engineering Supervisor courses.
  • A training provider forum was held at the end of November. Thanks to Bridgeway for running a segment on updates to COSS competency.
  • The Quality Assurance services information on the NSAR website has been refreshed – check out the new pages.
  • The QA team have been busy onboarding new scope to RTAS in Portable Transportable and Mobile and Plans, with more planned for 2024.
  • Lots of visits completed for new practical sites – including sites within the prison estate, showing the employment and social value opportunities that rail can offer.



  • NSAR has been busy setting up and launching our new Apprenticeship Agency service, which aims to remove barriers to apprenticeships by employing apprentices ourselves and placing them with rail businesses. See here for more information.
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