PRESS RELEASE: Apprenticeship Hub website launched to recruit apprentices into rail

NSAR has launched a new website to recruit rail apprentices, as part of our Apprenticeship Agency service.

The NSAR Apprenticeship Agency aims to help businesses who don’t feel they have the resources or scope of work to meet the requirements of an entire apprenticeship programme. It recruits and employs apprentices on behalf of businesses – and supports apprentices throughout their training. NSAR will place the apprentice with another employer if required.

As part of this service, NSAR has launched a new website to advertise these apprenticeship opportunities – the Apprenticeship Hub. On the Apprenticeship Hub, visitors can apply for Apprenticeship Agency vacancies and learn all about apprenticeships. The Hub has information on Apprenticeship Agency opportunities and how they work, as well as general content about apprenticeships and their benefits.

The Apprenticeship Agency is part of NSAR’s efforts to support the rail industry to increase apprentices and close skills gaps. We know that rail businesses face challenges with apprenticeships, especially concerns about not having enough work to employ apprentices for their whole programme. With the Apprenticeship Agency, you can host apprentices, fill gaps in your workforce and contribute to building industry skills – with the knowledge that NSAR will place your apprentice elsewhere if there isn’t enough work for them.

Visit the website and share it with any budding apprentice in your network. If you are interested in hosting an apprentice without the financial risk or administrative burden, discover more about Apprenticeship Agency and get in touch.

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