October insights from the NSAR Chief Executive

As the new government’s policies and proposed changes become clearer, opportunities and risks are emerging for rail.

Ongoing cost pressures remain one of the most pressing issues facing the industry. Without new funding, we must find ways to increase efficiency and productivity to do more with the same resources. Last month, NSAR held a uniquely insightful productivity symposium that brought together industry leaders, academics and government representatives to share practical insights and solutions for boosting productivity. You can read the key takeaways here.

In terms of opportunities, it is great to see the government’s focus on making the railway more socially inclusive for passengers and employees. This aligns with the industry’s existing priorities. It also highlights the importance of workforce planning in creating social value and using training to build skills. NSAR has shown leadership in both these areas and is committed to working closely with the industry to remind the government of all rail has to offer in giving people from less advantaged areas good jobs.

September brought the establishment of the shadow GBR. The GBR presents both opportunities and challenges – while it offers the potential for positive change, it is crucial that it doesn’t try to be all things for all people. Our industry expertise is essential in shaping the form and function of this new entity, and we must be involved in the establishment process.

NSAR’s role continues with the new government – providing the data and insights that industry and government decision-makers need to shape skills planning. Our Head of Policy and Engagement, Ed Hughes, is making great progress in increasing engagement with policymakers. His next step is working more closely with members to ensure our efforts reflect your needs. At the end of this month, Ed will be hosting a webinar discussion on the post-election skills landscape.

Events provide NSAR with an opportunity to share our insights and, most importantly, meet with industry people and hear what they have to say. NSAR’s annual Skills Symposium is fast approaching. We are delighted to have two fantastic keynote speakers – Skills Minister Jacqui Smith and Tanni Grey-Thompson – as well as interesting case studies focused on apprenticeships, competency and digital innovation. NSAR will also be releasing the latest workforce survey report; sharing data on the current profile of the UK rail workforce and highlighting key workforce trends. Hear the latest insights first at the symposium.

I encourage all everyone to attend this important event and participate in the discussions. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our industry.

Neil Robertson
NSAR Chief Executive

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