Want to know more about NSAR?
NSAR supports social value creation in the rail industry through workforce planning and apprenticeship support.
What is social value?
Social value is the wider value to society that organisations can generate beyond the direct value that the customers, end-users or shareholders receive. Social value might come from generating jobs for people who have been long-term unemployed, or hiring a diverse range of employees that reflects the local community.

NSAR’s approach to social value
Through our workforce analysis and apprenticeship services, NSAR has a unique ability to support the industry in increasing social value through employment and training.
Our social value analysis looks at the workforce required by a project or organisation and models potential social value from employing people from diverse or disadvantaged backgrounds. (For an example, see the Northumberland Line case study.) We can then use these predictions to create recruitment and training plans, so social value increases can be realised.
Apprenticeships are a great way to build diverse talent in rail. NSAR offers a range of apprenticeship support – from help with levies and setting up a great apprenticeship programme, to employing apprentices on behalf of an organisation. We work closely with businesses to understand what they need and target the priority groups that are most important to them.