We provide assurance that training and assessment providers are delivering high-quality services. NSAR works together with the industry to ensure standards are being kept and encourage our partners to do the same. Contact us via the appropriate channel below:
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QA Service
Our expert Quality Assurance (QA) Team at NSAR provide a range of services. This includes assesses the quality of compliance, delivery and premises for regulatory training across the UK, measuring against industry standards, rules and requirements.
This service provides reassurance to the supply chain of businesses and reduces their risk exposure by checking that quality training and assessment measures are upheld by the Assured Providers they are utilising.
NSAR Quality Assurance service helps organisations by:
Identifying ill-equipped training and assessment providers
Providing transparency on the quality of training and assessment providers through our grading system
Verifying that training and assessment provision is to the standard demanded by the industry
Taking action to find providers failing to deliver to industry standard
Minimising risk by managing to reduce safety failures
Protecting their brand and company reputation.

Our service
We quality assure over 90 training and assessment providers.
Based on our evaluations, we grade training and assessment providers into three grades (gold, silver, bronze).
These evaluations are completed on a continuous basis, whereby the frequency of visits to training and assessment providers is based on these grades.
How are your training and assessment providers performing?
You can find out more by accessing our Assured Provider Directory Portal.
Businesses can review the quality levels of services of all providers on the NSAR website via the assured provider directory portal.
Skills Backbone is the platform we use to monitor, track and report on all providers.
Any organisation can visit the website and see how the Assured Providers are performing.
NSAR offers 2 different Quality Assurance services
Rail Training Assurance Scheme (RTAS)
The set of rules to ensure the safety of persons working on or near Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI).
Any organisation providing training and assessment services to companies and individuals who conduct work on the NRMI must meet the specific assurance criteria and requirements.
NSAR is the sole provider to assess, evaluate and assign training providers an accreditation score on three grades (gold, silver, bronze).
Breaches of the RTAS can result in action being taken by NSAR, on Network Rail’s behalf, to maintain workforce safety and compliance.
Benefits include a consistent and comparable quality evaluation process across the industry. This includes face to face visits and consulting to improve on delivery.
Ofsted Guidance
We provide the practical tools and guidance to be ready for Ofsted inspections, including workshops and onsite views.
About Ofsted
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Ofsted aims to improve lives by raising standards in education and children’s social care. They inspect and regulate thousands of organisations and individuals providing education, training and care.
Ofsted are responsible for Inspecting, regulating and reporting on the findings and effectiveness of their service.
Our Service and Process
We are experts in Ofsted compliance and help training providers to understand the process of their visits, judgement criteria, consequences and what the inspection entails.
Health check your business
Provide a personalised action plan
Coach and support senior managers and trainers
Provide health check assessment for three-month review