Training and Curriculum Development

Plan your workforce and people development using our insights and expert advice

Training and Curriculum Development

At NSAR, we work with the whole rail sector to develop apprenticeship standards for rail engineering and rail operations training programmes, including train driving apprenticeships. We are experienced in submitting detailed plans for the delivery of specialised training and qualifications needed for the light and heavy rail network.

Our experience extends to putting forward detailed proposals for training academies — using business cases to define, shape and deliver new and existing academies.


Demand business proposals for proposed training academies

Stakeholder mapping and engagement

Identifying and proposing strategic options

Developing people plans with key client staff

Developing outline curriculum and cohort modelling

Market testing

Identifying training academies specifications and sizing for fit out

Proposing delivery models and volumes

Developing trainer and qualifications specifications

Reviewing technology requirements

Developing apprenticeship levy commercial propositions

Specification and development of training standards and learner qualifications

Specification and accreditation of training content and materials

Use of technology for learning

Proposing a Learner Management System

Identifying and working with prospective partners, including: FE Colleges, University Technical Colleges, HE institutions and private sector training providers (railway engineering and others).


Talk to us about how we can help you develop and sustain a highly skilled workforce.

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